Baldness or thinning hair is an undesirable side effect of aging. But it can happen to adults at any age and any gender due to genetics and lifestyle factors. A transplant is only a viable option if a patient has healthy donor hair that can be harvested from other areas of the head.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair growth is an alternative procedure that stimulates the growth of new hair in males and females that wish for a more natural approach. This non-surgical PRP has many benefits because the results are attractive and permanent.


What Is PRP Therapy?

Platelet Rich Plasma is a minimally invasive, non-surgical hair growth option available to people with hair loss. Hair restoration provided through a platelet-rich plasma implements the natural stem cells and growth factors of a patient. Blood is drawn from the body of the individual so that it can be prepared for the Platelet Rich Plasma injections.


It is spun in a special machine to physically separate the plasma that will be injected into the areas that are thinning or losing hair. Dr. Marina Yuabova will apply a powerful anesthetic cream to the scalp so that Platelet Rich Plasma treatment injections do not cause any unnecessary discomfort.

The results are evaluated after 4 months have passed from the initial treatment date. It’s often recommended to schedule a session every 4 weeks for the best results. After the 4 initial sessions, we can recommend a long-term maintenance plan.


What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss has always been considered a male problem. However, statistics show that women can also encounter this problem as they age. The majority of women who lose their hair notice it in their 50s, but it might happen at any age and is affected by different reasons.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is normal for women to lose approximately 50–100 strands of hair each day. These old shedding hairs are usually replaced with the new ones. If you notice that your hairbrush and your shower has more shed hair than it used to, you might need to investigate what the causes of the problem are.

The causes of hair loss are different, and the most common ones are listed below:

  • Unbalanced diet
  • Physical or emotional stress
  • Menopause
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Hereditary
  • Absence of proper hair care
  • Autoimmune disorders

How Does PRP Therapy Treat Hair Loss?

The science behind platelet-rich plasma hair restoration involves blood vessel reparation, increased collagen production, wound healing, and cell growth. As the follicles are stimulated through each treatment, the hair is going to grow in thicker and healthier. This procedure is beneficial as a stand-alone treatment of alopecia, and male pattern baldness.


If you have any questions or would like to receive more information about solutions for hair restoration, do not hesitate to visit our hair loss clinic for a consultation.

What Are the Pros and Cons?

Any treatment option has its advantages and drawbacks and platelet rich plasma hair treatment is not an exclusion to that.

The benefits include:

  • Surgery is not necessary, so patients do not have to go through a long recovery
  • Gentle injections avoid scarring that can occur from a traditional hair transplant
  • Hair growth typically becomes visible within 3 months from the first hair treatment session
  • Therapy can be used to enhance the results of a traditional hair transplant surgery

The disadvantages of this type of treatment include:

  • Risk of infections
  • Tissue damage
  • Nerve injuries
  • Pain at the injection site

PRP Before and After